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Duque (of York Rd)

Team Captain

This loving long-boy has the biggest heart, looking for love and head rubs from everyone around - even getting a bit jealous at times.

Duque is a smart, energetic lad (especially for a greyhound), who loves his adventures. Whether its hiking and Canicross, or just a good old game of fetch, he is always on the move.

Hello, I'm Duque

I'm Lana's long-boy. Lots of people ask if I'm a crossbreed - I am a bit unusual after all - but its 100% Greyhound through and through.

Everyone knew that Lana was leaning towards other breeds for her next pup, but that didn't stop me winning her heart when she visited Daybreaks for Peg's Gotcha Day. Laying out all the charm, my funny face and big heart grabbed her attention, beginning a connection and bond that would become stronger than we had ever experienced before.

I shan't deny there were reservations. I am a very big boy after all and - whilst that didn't put Lana off one bit - I would need to spend some of my daytime hours with Peg, so her needs had to come first. There was some confusion whether I had actually been castrated, but after thorough investigations to locate and remove those sneaky devils, I calmed down (hormonally at least, hehe). A brief fostering period, with me on my best behaviour of course, and it was decided all was fine between Peg and I, as well as unexpected addition Quiver.

Lana may have been a little unsure that I was the right choice in the beginning - after all, she had wanted her next dog to be a bit more hardy, up for anything, and able to accompany her on that crazy journey that the humans call life... not exactly the description of a Greyhound.

But here I am, working to change that idea, and I'm not your typical greyhound. Don't let the long legs fool you, theres one bright, eager pup inside me.

I'm an active boy and it can take a lot of exercise to wear me out. Luckily I love to play too. Balls, chew or squeaky toys, it doesn't matter, I am always up for a game. Lana has taught me this great game called fetch, which means I get to run about really fast and find a ball over and over. I can catch too, treats and toys, but catching tennis balls is my favourite. I'm so good at it now that I can even play catch with myself!

Playing with all my toys is a great way to spend the day, but I love going out exploring with Lana most of all. We have been on trips to all kinds of places, and I'm such a good boy in the car or MyPet van. We explore the local countryside out on hikes and have just started Canicross too - which is loads of fun. I'm still working on my runnng commands, it's just so hard to remember them when there is so much other exciting stuff out there.

My furever home has been pretty great so far.

There are plenty of different rooms to explore, spaces to raz about in, and beds to laze on - ususally in undignified ways. I've made loads of friends, Peg and Quiver of course, but also lots of other Greyhounds that live locally, and different breeds out and about too.

I'm very well behaved and usually greet friends and strangers politely, though I admit I'm still not sure what to do after those first hellos.

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