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Head Hound and Fun Police

This special girl has the sweetest nature and unbelievably loving soul - with a generous helping of diva - capturing the heart of every single person that meets her.

Peg ensures all thats important in life is done in good time, as well as making sure nobody has too much fun - especially without her!

Hi, I'm Peg

I'm a Greyhound. The best of them all - if I do say so myself.

Starting life on the track - like so many of my long-legged friends - I was a good runner, placing well in many of the races I was entered in. Sadly after the first few years, I suffered a serious injury whilst running, leaving me with a nasty, broken hock.

But I was lucky too. My adorable face, soulful eyes and surprisingly human nature makes everyone I meet fall in love with me. This was the case for my trainer, who kept me on after I retired and provided the multiple surgeries and medical treatment I needed for my leg to heal.

Not long after, my trainer didn't have any space to keep me. But she gave me a second change at life and surrendered me to Ruth at Daybreaks Trust greyhound rescue. However, whilst healed, my leg was permenantly damaged from the incident and I would not manage well in kennels. Instead, Ruth found me a place with Deb and I truely landed on all four paws.

When I first went into foster I had many troubles. My injury had permanently changed my leg - causing sorness and trouble getting around. All the goodies and reduced exercise after racing had made me unfit and overweight, only adding to the strain on my leg. But, with Lana's help, Deb gave me endless love, care, and patience, enabling me to gradually improve and adapt to retirement.

Before long I had won her heart and it was clear Deb would not be able to give me up. Making it official, Deb adopted me and became a 'failed foster parent' once again.

With the support of Ruth (Daybreaks Owner), vets, specialists, and plenty of time, I keep making more and more progress. Walks and holidays, new mates and play dates; I really am living life to the fullest. Although my leg still gives me some grief, I am still improving and never let it hold me back - sometimes doing more than I probably should...

I love to explore and play, do tricks and crazy zoomies, but take my 'Fun Police' position very seriously, keeping a close eye on the rebels at home and alway making sure to tell them (or tell on them) when things are getting all too exciting.

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