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Chief Toy Tester

Quiver loves her toys more than anything in the world and takes her toy testing duties very seriously. She is often carrying one of her cuddly friends around with her.

Hey, I'm Quivers

I like to think I was the first and, of course, the best.

Originally fostered by Deb back in winter 2021, I was a young springy girl who loved life. I had had several foster homes before, the only being that I loved it all a little too much, getting overexcited and noisy whenever I would see another dog from a distance. Really all I wanted was to say hello, and am freindly when I do, but I just couldn't contain myself until then.

Even with all the love, patience, and training that they gave me, I showed little improvement, and it was decided that I might benefit from living with another dog for company. Sadly Deb wasn't able to have two dogs at the time, so I had to move on.

I spent some time in a foster home with another dog, and in time found a home. Everyone thought things were looking up for me, but sadly the arrival of a new baby meant that I could not stay and I ended up back in the kennels.

Almost immediately, Ruth at Daybreaks kennels put out a plea for somewhere for me to go, as I was desperately unhappy and spent most my time just staring at the wall.

Deb came to my rescue - she had always said that any foster that was returned could come back home - and by the next day, Lana had already picked me up and brought me back home. Just over a year after I arrived for the first time, I settled right back in.

By this time Peg had been adopted, and Duque was around too. I had my familar place to call home, and a friend in it. It seemed I was back in the place I was supposed to be.


We've continued my training, and with plenty of time and lots of patience, I am happy to say I am improving. I still get excited out on walks, but nowadays it's mostly just vocal, crying after friends I see ahead.


Truth is I'm just extremely misunderstood, longing for love and affection.

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